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imagem aérea de enorme área verde desocupada, às margens da BR-020, onde será construída a cidade Urbitá

A Urbitá tem seu início em 2007, quando investidores e empreendedores do mercado imobiliário enxergaram em uma grande área da Saída Norte do Distrito Federal a oportunidade de desenvolver um empreendimento extraordinário e marcante para a história de Brasília.

A região em questão é a antiga a Fazenda Paranoazinho, uma área de aproximadamente 1.500 hectares, vizinha a Sobradinho e às margens da BR-020 e da DF-425.

Para realizar a aquisição da área e iniciar o projeto, criou-se em 2008 a Urbanizadora Paranoazinho (UP), uma sociedade anônima sediada em Brasília que visa a regularização fundiária e o desenvolvimento imobiliário sustentável dentro dos limites da área de sua propriedade, a antiga Fazenda Paranoazinho. 

Desde então, a UP vem trabalhando de forma íntegra, transparente e colaborativa para cumprir todas as etapas legais e desenvolver um empreendimento sustentável e de alta qualidade arquitetônica e urbanística.

Nossa história

Our Vision

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Let the writing speak for itself. Keep a consistent tone and voice throughout the website to stay true to the brand image and give visitors a taste of the company’s values and personality.


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This is a space to share more about the business: who's behind it, what it does and what this site has to offer. It’s an opportunity to tell the story behind the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this section to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors. 


Let the writing speak for itself. Keep a consistent tone and voice throughout the website to stay true to the brand image and give visitors a taste of the company’s values and personality.


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This is a space to share more about the business: who's behind it, what it does and what this site has to offer. It’s an opportunity to tell the story behind the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this section to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors. 


Let the writing speak for itself. Keep a consistent tone and voice throughout the website to stay true to the brand image and give visitors a taste of the company’s values and personality.


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This is a space to share more about the business: who's behind it, what it does and what this site has to offer. It’s an opportunity to tell the story behind the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this section to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors. 


Let the writing speak for itself. Keep a consistent tone and voice throughout the website to stay true to the brand image and give visitors a taste of the company’s values and personality.


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